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2004:AAAS/Science: Excellence in Science Award

2004:3rd International Conference on Electron Tomography Travel Award for Young Investigator


2009:Biochemical Journal Young Investigator Award




美国细胞生物学会 (ASCB)                   会员

美国生物物理学会 (BPS)                    会员

美国科学促进会(AAAS)                     会员

中国细胞生物学会                        科普与教育委员会副主任

中国生物物理学会                        理事、科普工作委员会主任

中国遗传学会会员                        会员

Journal of Genetics and Genome             副主编

《生物物理与生物化学进展》                 编委

《中国细胞生物学学报》                    编委

教育部生物科学类专业教学指导委员会            委员


1.    .Deng H, Qiao X, Xie T, Fu W, Zhao Y, Guo M, Miao L, Chen C, Shen K and Wang X. SLC-30A9 is required for Zn2+ homeostasis, Zn2+ mobilization, and mitochondrial health. (2021) PNAS. 118(35): e2023909118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2023909118  
2.Wang Q, Cao Z, Du B, Zhang Q, Chen L, Wang X, Yuan Z, Wang P, He R, Shan J, Zhao Y, Miao L. Membrane contact site-dependent cholesterol transport regulates Na+/K+-ATPase polarization and spermiogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2021) Dev Cell.  56:1631–1645 doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.05.002.    
3.Du P, Wang J, He Y, Zhang S, Hu B, Xue X, Miao L, and Ren H. AtFH14 crosslinks actin filaments and microtubules in different manners. (2021) Biol Cell. 113(5):235-249  
4.Zhao Y, Tan CH, Krauchunas A, Scharf A, Dietrich N, Warnhoff K, Yuan Z, Druzhinina M, Gu SG, Miao L, Singson A, Ellis RE, Kornfeld K. (2018) The zinc transporter ZIPT-7.1 regulates sperm activation in nematodes. PLoS Biol. 16(6):e2005069.  

5.Zhu H, Chen L, Yang Y, Zhu Z, Zhang X, Li W, Miao L, Zhang Y, Ou G. (2016)The glial actin cytoskeleton regulates neuronal ciliogenesis Cell Res [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.131  

6.Li Y, Chen B, Zou Z, Wang X, Wu Y, Zhao D, Sun Y,  Liu Y, Chen L, Miao L, Yang C and Wang X. (2016) Lysosomal integral membrane protein SCAV-3 maintains lysosome integrity and normal adult lifespan in C. elegans. JCB 215(2):167-185.  

7.Li Y,  Xu M, Ding X, Yan C, Song Z, Chen L, Huang X, Wang X, Jian Y, Tang G, Tang C, Di Y, Mu S, Liu X, Liu K, Li T, Wang Y, Miao L, Guo W, Hao X, and Yang C. (2016) Protein kinase C controls lysosome biogenesis independently of mTORC1. Nat Cell Biol 18:1065-1077  

8.Li R, Ren X, Bi Y, Ho VW, Hsieh CL, Young A, Zhang Z, Lin T, Zhao Y, Miao L, Sarkies P, Zhao Z. (2016) Specific down-regulation of spermatogenesis genes targeted by 22G RNAs in hybrid sterile males associated with an X-Chromosome introgression. Genome Res. 9:1219-1932.  

9.Wang Y, Zhang Y, Chen L, Liang Q, Yin XM, Miao L, Kang BH, Xue D. (2016) Kinetics and specificity of paternal mitochondrial elimination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat Commun. 7:12569.  

10.Miao L and L'Hernault SW. (2014) Role of posttranslational modifications in C. elegans and Ascaris spermatogenesis and sperm function. In: Posttranslational Protein Modifications in the Reproductive System, edited by Peter Sutovsky. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.  

11.Ma X, Zhu Y, Li C, Huang P, Cao Z, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Xue P, Chen S, Yang F, Miao L. (2014) Characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans sperm mRNAome. BMC Genomics 15:168.  

12.Liu Z, Wang B, He R, Zhao Y, Miao L. (2014) Calcium signaling and the MAPK cascade are required for sperm activation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1843:299-308.  

13.Shang Y, Chen L, Liu Z, Ma X, Miao L. (2013) Cytosolic Ca2+ as a multifunctional modulator is required for spermiogenesis and motility acquisition in Ascaris suum. Protein & Cell 4:456-466.  

14.Chen D, Jian Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Liang J, Qi X, Du H, Zou W, Chen L, Chai Y, Ou G, Miao L, Wang Y, and Yang C. (2013). Clathrin and AP2 are required for phagocytic receptor-mediated apoptotic cell clearance in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics 9(5), e1003517.  

15.Liu Z, Chen L, Shang Y, Huang P, Miao L. (2013) The micronutrient element zinc modulates sperm activation through the SPE-8 pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans. Development 140: 2103-2107  

16.Huang P, Ma X, Zhao Y, Miao L. (2013) The C. elegans homolog of RBBP6 (RBPL-1) regulates fertility through controlling cell proliferation in the germline and nutrient synthesis in the intestine. PLoS ONE 8(3): e58736  

17.Ma X, Zhao Y, Sun W, Shimabukuro K, Miao L. (2012) Transformation: how do nematode sperm become activated and crawl? Protein & Cell 10:755-761  

18.Dou J, Chen L, Hu Y, Miao L. (2012) Cholesterol and the biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids are required for sperm activation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochim Biophys Acta 1821:934-942  

19.Zhao Y, Sun W, Zhang P, Chi H, Zhang M, Song C, Ma X, Shang Y, Wang B, Hu Y, Hao Z, Hühmer A, Meng, F, L'Hernault S, He S, Dong M, Miao L. (2012) Nematode sperm maturation triggered by protease involves sperm-secreted serine protease inhibitor (Serpin). PNAS 109: 1542–1547  

20.Ma X, Zhu Y, Li C, Shang Y, Meng F, Chen S, Miao L. (2011) Comparative transcriptome sequencing of Germline and Somatic Tissues of the Ascaris suum Gonad. BMC Genomics 12:481  

21.Su S, Liu Z, Chen C, Zhang Y, Wang X, Zhu L, Miao L, Wang X, Yuan M. (2010) Cucumber Mosaic Virus Movement Protein Severs Actin Filaments to Increase the Plasmodesmal Size Exclusion Limit in Tobacco. The Plant Cell 22:1161-1173  

22.Chen D, Xiao D, Zhang K, Wang B, Gao Z, Jian Y, Qi X, Sun J, Miao L, Yang C. (2010) Retromer Sorting Complex Regulates Apoptotic Cell Clearance by Phagocytic Receptor Recycling. Science 327: 1261-1264  

23.Zhang Y, Yan L, Zhou Z, Yang P, Tian E, Zhang K, Zhao Y, Li Z, Song B, Han J, Miao L, Zhang H. (2009) SEPA-1 Mediates the Specific Recognition and Degradation of P Granule Components by Autophagy in C. elegans. Cell 136: 308–321  

24.Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Liu J, Grant RP., Wouterse A, Philipse A, Stewart M, Roberts TM. (2008) The role of filament packing dynamics in powering amoeboid cell motility.  PNAS 105: 5390-5395  

25.Wang B, Liu Z, Miao L. (2008) Recent Advances in the study of spermatogenesis and fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans, Hereditas(Beijing) 30:677-686 (invited review in Chinese)  

26.Miao L. (2007) Recent progresses on the cellular motility, cell migration and cytoskeleton.  Acta Biophysica Sinica. 23:281-289 (invited review in Chinese)  

27.Miao L, Yi K, Mackey JM, Roberts TM. (2007) Reconstitution in vitro of MSP-based filopodium extension in nematode sperm. Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton. 64:235-247.  

28.Wolgemuth C, Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Roberts TM, Oster G (2005) MSP dynamics drives nematode sperm locomotion. Biophysical Journal 88: 2462-2471.  

29.Meng FX, Miao L, Zhang SQ, Lou CH (2004) Ca2+ is involved in muscarine-acetylcholine-receptor-mediated acetylcholine signal transduction in guard cells of Vicia faba L. Chinese Science Bulletin 49:471-475  

30.Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Stewart M, Roberts TM (2003) Retraction in amoeboid cell motility powered by cytoskeletal dynamics. Science 302: 1405-1407  

31.Provencher LM, Miao L, Sinha N, and Lucas WJ (2001) Sucrose export defective1 encodes a novel protein implicated in chloroplast to nucleus signaling. The Plant Cell 13:1127-1141.  

32.Meng FX, Miao L, Leng Q, Zhang SQ (2001) Incubation of Fluo-3 AM for measuring cytosolic Ca2+ in guard cells of Vicia faba. Plant Physiology Communications 37: 429-432 (in Chinese)  

33.Miao L, Wang XC, Zhang WC (1999) The symplasmic connection of root cap in Zea mays and its response to the external signal. Chinese Bulletin of Botany 16: 42-44 (in Chinese)  

34.Miao L, Wang XC, Zhang WC (1997) Osmotic stress decreases the activity of ATPase associated with plasmodesmata in root cap in Zea mays. Acta Botanic Sinica 39: 774-777  


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