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王友军   (1975年12月)          
博士 教授          






代表性论著(#: 共同第一作者;*: 共同通讯作者)

1.      Zhang Z#, Zhou H#, Gu W#, Wei Y, Mou S, Wang Y*, Zhang J*, Zhong Q*. (2024) CGI1746 targets σ1R to modulate ferroptosis through mitochondria- associated membranes. Nat Chem Biol. doi: 10.1038/s41589-023-01512-1.

2.      Li J#, Shang Z#, Chen JH#, Gu W#, Yao L#, Yang X, Sun X, Wang L, Wang T, Liu S, Li J, Hou T, Xing D, Gill DL, Li J, Wang SQ, Hou L, Zhou Y*, Tang AH*, Zhang X*, Wang Y*. (2023) Engineering of NEMO as calcium indicators with large dynamics and high sensitivity. Nat Methods. 20(6):918-924.

3.      Xie J#, Ma G#*, Zhou L#, He L, Zhang Z, Tan P, Huang Z, Fang S, Wang T, Lee YT, Wen S, Siwko S, Wang L, Liu J, Du Y, Zhang N, Liu X, Han L, Huang Y, Wang R, Wang Y*, Zhou Y*, Han W*. (2022) Identification of a STIM1 Splicing Variant that Promotes Glioblastoma Growth. Adv Sci (Weinh). 9(11):e2103940. doi: 10.1002/advs.202103940.

4.      He L#, Wang L#, Zeng H, Tan P, Ma G, Zheng S, Li Y, Sun L, Dou F, Siwko S, Huang Y*, Wang Y*, Zhou Y*. (2021) Engineering of a bona fide light-operated calcium channel. Nature Communications. 12(1):164. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20425-4

5.      Yang X#, Ma G#, Zheng S#, Qin X, Li X, Du L, Wang Y*, Zhou Y*, Li M*. (2020) Optical control of CRAC channels using photoswitchable azopy-razoles. J Am Chem Soc., 142(20):9460-9470. doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c02949.

6.      Ma G#, Liu J#, Ke Y#, Liu X, Huang Y, Li M, Wang Y*, Zhou Y*.(2018).Optogenetic Control of Voltage Gated Calcium Channels. Angew Chem Int Ed. 57(24):7019-7022.

7.      Jing J#, He L#, Sun A#, Quintana A#, Ding Y#, Ma G, Tan P, Liang X, Zheng X, Chen L, Shi X, Zhang SL, Zhong L, Huang Y, Dong MQ, Walker CL, Hogan PG, Wang Y*, Zhou Y*. (2015) Proteomic mapping of ER-PM junctions identifies STIMATE as a regulator of Ca2+ influx. Nat Cell Biol. 17(10):1339-47

8.      Ma G#, Wei M#, He L#, Liu C#, Wu B, Zhang SL, Jing J, Liang X, Senes A, Tan P, Li S, Sun A, Bi Y, Zhong L, Si H, Shen Y, Li M, Lee MS, Zhou W, Wang J*, Wang Y*,  Zhou Y*.  (2015) Inside-out Ca2+ signalling prompted by STIM1 conformational switch. Nature Communications.6:7826 doi: 10.1038/ncomms8826

9.      Wang X#, Wang Y#*, Zhou Y, Hendron E, Mancarella S, Andrake MD, Rothberg BS,  Soboloff J, Gill DL*. (2014) Distinct Orai-coupling domains in STIM1 and STIM2 define the Orai-activating site. Nature Communications. 5,3183.

10.  Wang Y, Deng X, Mancarella S, Hendron E, Eguchi S, Soboloff J, Tang X and Gill DL. (2010) The calcium store-sensor, STIM1, reciprocally controls Orai and CaV1.2 channels. Science. 330(6000):105-9.


评论 (#: 共同第一作者;*: 共同通讯作者)

1.      Jing J*, Zhou Y, Wang Y*. (2021) Dimming the donor to brighten up FRET-based biosensors. Cell Calcium. 99:102474. doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2021.102474.

2.      Ma G, Liu J, Zhou Y*, Wang Y* (2018) Let there be light: a bright future for Ca2+ signaling. Science Bulletin. 63 (2018) 1029–1031

3.    Rothberg BS, Wang Y, and Gill DL (2013). Orai Channel Pore Properties and Gating by STIM: Implications from the Orai Crystal Structure. Science Signaling. 6(267):pe9.

4.    Mancarella S, Wang Y, Gill DL. (2011) SIGNAL TRANSDUCTCTION STIM1 senses both Ca2+ and heat. Nature Chemical Biology. 7(6):344-5

5.      Wang Y, Deng X, Gill DL. (2010) Calcium signaling by STIM and Orai: intimate coupling details revealed. Sci Signal. 3(148):pe42

6.    Mancarella S, Wang Y, Gill DL. (2009) Calcium signals: STIM dynamics mediate spatially unique oscillations. Curr Biol. 19(20):R950-2.



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