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Aster ZHANG.jpeg              
张 立   博士  1971.12              
教授     博士生导师              

1990年免试保送yl6809永利官网生物系生物学专业开始本科学习;1994年免试保送yl6809永利官网生物系生态学专业硕士研究生, 师从房继明教授开展动物行为生态研究;1996年师从孙儒泳院士直接攻读博士学位;1999年毕业于yl6809永利官网生物系生态学专业,获博士学位,留校任教至今。

现任国家濒危物种科学委员会委员;中华环保联合会常务理事;中国动物学会常务理事,保护生物学分会副主任、兽类学分会常务理事;中国生态学会动物生态专业委员会副主任;世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)气候危机委员会执委会委员;国际保护生物学会(SCB)监察委员会委员;《Conservation Biology》、《兽类学报》编委;世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)物种生存委员会亚洲象专家组成员;碳中和国际研究院(苏高新)执行院长。




        研究论文 Research Article

Shang XT, Qin W, Yang B*, Dai Q, Pan H, Yang X, Gu X, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Zhang L*. 2024. Integrated framework for dynamic conservation of bamboo forest in giant panda habitat under climate change. Journal of Environmental Management 268, 122052.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122052

Zhang L*, Tao L, Yang F, Bao Y, Li C. 2024. Promoting green transportation through changing behaviors with low-carbon-travel function of digital maps. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 11:298.https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02737-8  

Li WW, Liu P, Yang N, Chen S, Guo X, Wang B and Zhang L*. 2023. Improving landscape connectivity through habitat restoration: Application for Asian elephant conservation in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, China. Integrative Zoology https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12713

Yang N, Bao M, Zhu B, Shen Q, Guo X, Li W, Tang R, Zhu D, Tang Y, Phalen D* and Zhang L*. 2022. Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus 1, 4 and 5 in China: Occurrence in Multiple Sample Types and Implications for Wild and Captive Population Surveillance. Viruses, 14(411), https://doi.org/10.3390/v14020411 

Li S, McShea W, Wang D, Gu X, Zhang X, Zhang L*, Shen X*. 2020. Retreat of large carnivores across the giant panda distribution range. Nature Ecology & Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-1260-0. 

Tang RC, Li W, Zhu D, Shang X, Guo X, Zhang L*. 2020. Raging elephants: effects of human disturbance on physiological stress and reproductive potential in wild Asian elephants. Conservation Physiology 8, https://doi.org 10.1093/conphys/coz106. 

Liu P, Li WW, Yu Y, Tang R, Guo X, Wang B, Yang B, Zhang L*. 2019. How much will cash forest encroachment in rainforests cost? A case from valuation to payment for ecosystem services in China. Ecosystem Services 38, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100949. 

Yu Y, Wetzler A, Yang X, Tang R & Zhang L*. 2017. Significant and timely ivory trade restrictions in both China and the United States are critical to save elephants. Conservation Letters, 10(5): 596-601. 

观点评论 Correspondences  

Zhang L, Tao L, Sun D, Yang F. 2023. China: personalized carbon accounting for consumers. Nature 623: 696.

Liu P and Zhang L*. 2022. As elephant poaching falls in Africa, instate more ivory bans. Nature 611: 665. 

Yang N, Li W, Liu P, Zhang L*. 2021. China’s homeless elephants need linked reserves. Nature, 595:172.

Yang N, Liu P, Li W, Zhang L*. 2020. Permanently ban wildlife consumption. Science 367(6485): 1434-1435


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