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吕 楠   (1986年11月)    





1. Lyu, N.*, Yeh, D. J., Lloyd, H., & Sun, Y. H. (2022). The significant role of post-pairing male behavior on the evolution of male preferences and female traits. Communications Biology, 5(1), 1-9. (* corresponding author)

2. Lou, Y. Q., Chen, L. J., Hu, Y. B., Komdeur, J., Sun, Y. H. *, & Lyu, N.* (2021). Animal personality can modulate sexual conflict over offspring provisioning. Animal Behaviour, 177, 91-97.

3. Yang, C., Wang, J., Lyu, N.*, & Lloyd, H. (2021). Comparison of digital photography and spectrometry for evaluating colour perception in humans and other trichromatic species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75(11), 1-11.

4. Lyu, N., & Liang, W. (2021). Parasitism is always costly to the host. Zoological Research, 42(2): 217-220.

5. Lyu, N.*, Hu, Y., Zhang, J., Lloyd, H., Sun, Y. H., & Tao, Y. (2021). Switching costs in stochastic environments drive the emergence of matching behaviour in animal decision-making through the promotion of reward learning strategies. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-7.

6. Yang, C., Zhao, J., Diaz, R. E., & Lyu, N.* (2019). Development of sexual dimorphism in two sympatric skinks with different growth rates. Ecology and Evolution, 9(13): 7752-7760.

7. Wang, C.#, Lyu, N. #, Deng L. #, Wang J., Gu W., et al. (2018). Evolutionary pattern and large-scale architecture of mutation networks of 2009 A (H1N1) influenza A virus. Frontiers in Genetics, 9: 204. (# equal contribution)

8. Lyu N., Servedio M. R., & Sun Y.H. (2018). Nonadaptive female pursuit of extrapair copulations can evolve through hitchhiking. Ecology and Evolution 8 (7): 3685-3692.

9. Lyu N., Servedio M.R., Lloyd H., Sun Y.H. (2017) The evolution of postpairing male mate choice. Evolution 71(6): 1465-1477.

10. Lyu N, Li J-L, Sun Y-H (2016) Can simple songs express useful signals for mate choice? Avian Research 7:10.

11. Lyu N, Lloyd H, Sun Y-H (2015) Delayed plumage maturation in birds and the significance of condition-dependent parental care. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1003-1010.

12. Lyu N, Päckert M, Tietze DT, Sun Y-H (2015) Uncommon paleodistribution patterns of Chrysolophus pheasants in east Asia: explanations and implications. Journal of Avian Biology 46: 528-537.

13. Lyu N, Sun Y-H (2014) Predicting threat of climate change to the Chinese grouse on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Wildlife Biology 20(2):73-82.

14. Lu N, Ji T, Zhang J-H, Sun Y-H, Tao Y (2012) Evolutionary Dynamics of Fearfulness and Boldness: A Stochastic Simulation Model. PLoS ONE 7: e32258.

15. Lu N, Jing Y, Lloyd H, Sun Y-H (2012) Assessing the distributions and potential risks from potential risks from climate change for Sichuan Jay. Condor 114: 365-376.

16. Lu N, Jia C-X, Lloyd H, Sun Y-H (2012) Species-specific habitat fragmentation assessment, considering the ecological niche requirements and dispersal capability. Biological Conservation 152: 102-109.

17. Lu N, Sun Y-H (2011) Population viability analysis and conservation of Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi in Lianhuashan Nature Reserve, north-west China. Bird Conservation International 21:49–58.

18. Jing Y, Fang Y, Strickland D, Lu N, Sun Y-H (2009) Alloparenting in the rare Sichuan Jay (Perisoreus internigrans). Condor 111: 662-667.


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