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张金屯   (1957年7月)
博士 教授

男,山西夏县人,1991年在英国威尔士大学获博士学位。现任yl6809永利官网教授,博士生导师。学术上任中国野生植物保护学会理事,中国自然资源学会山地委员会委员等。现为《The Open Ecology Journal》、《Open Journal of Forestry》、《生态学报》、《植物生态学报》、《生态学杂志》等7种杂志编委。1995年享受国务院政府特殊津贴。在国内外《Journal of Vegetation Science》、《Ecological Engineering》、《Ecological Informatics》、《Ecological Modeling》、《Vegetatio》、《Plant Ecology》、《生态学报》、《植物生态学报》等杂志上公开发表论文350余篇。1993年出版了英文专著《Mountain Grassland Ecology of North Snowdonia》;1995年出版了《植被数量生态学方法》;1999年出版译著《生态学调查方法手册》, 2003年主编出版《应用生态学》专著,2004年出版《数量生态学》,2011年出版《数量生态学》第二版。 另外, 还和人合作出版专著4本。





研究性论文(research article)
■Wang YQ, Cadotte MW, Chen JH, Mi XC, Ren HB, Liu XJ, Yu MJ, Zhang J-T*, Ma KP. (2020). Neighborhood interactions on seedling survival were greatly altered following an extreme winter storm. Forest Ecology and Management, 461, e117940.
■Sadia S, Aftab B, Tariq A, Zhang J-T*, Razaq A. (2020). Gentiopicrin and swertiamarin contents in Centiana macrophylla Pall. Roots along elevation gradient in Donglingshan meadow, Beijing, China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 52(1): 43-48.
■Cao K, Mi XC, Zhang LW, Ren HB, Yu MJ, Chen JH, Zhang J-T*, and Ma KP. (2019). Examining residual spatial correlation in variation partitioning of beta diversity in a subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(4): 636–644.
■Rao MD, Steinbauer MJ, Xiang XG, Zhang MG, Mi XC, Zhang J-T*, Ma KP, Svenning J-C. (2018). Environmental and evolutionary drivers of diversity patterns in the tea family (Theaceae s.s.) across China. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 11663–11676.
■Bai XH, Zhang J-T*. (2018). Environmental interpretation of forest communities in Xiaowutai Mountain by fuzzy mathematics analysis. Ecological Informatics, 48: 178–186.
■Song NQ, Zhang J-T*, Zhao FG. (2017). The PCA index for measuring functional diversity and its application to Juglans mandshurica communities in the Beijing mountains, China. International Journal of Biomathematics, 10(7), 1750097.
■Zhang J-T, Zhang M, Mian R. (2016). Effects of elevation and disturbance gradients on forest diversity in the Wulingshan Nature Reserve, North China. Environmental Earth Science, 75(10): 904.
■Zhang J-T, Li M, Nie EB. (2014). Pattern of functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the Baihua Mountain Reserve of Beijing, China. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 37: 37-45.
■Zhang J-T, Xu B, Li M. (2013). Vegetation patterns and species diversity along elevational and disturbance gradients in the Baihua Mountain Reserve, Beijing, China. Mountain Research and Development, 33(2): 170-178.
■Zhang J-T, Xiang CL, Li M. (2012). Integrative ecological sensitivity (IES) applied to assessment of eco-tourism impact on forest vegetation landscape: A case from the Baihua Mountain Reserve of Beijing, China. Ecological Indicators, 18: 365–370.
■Zhang J-T, Xiang CL, Li M. (2012). Effects of tourism and topography on vegetation diversity in the subalpine meadows of the Dongling Mountains of Beijing, China. Environmental Management, 49: 403-411.
■Cheng JJ, Mi XC, Nadrowski K, Ren HB, Zhang J-T, Ma KP. (2012). Separating the effect of mechanisms shaping species-abundance distributions at multiple scales in a subtropical forest. Oikos, 121: 236–244.
■Zhang J-T, Dong YR. (2010). Factors affecting species diversity of plant communities and the restoration process in the loess area of China. Ecological Engineering, 36: 345–350.
■Zhang J-T, Ru WM. (2010). Population characteristics of endangered species Taxus chinensis var. mairei and its conservation strategy in Shanxi, China. Population Ecology, 52: 407–416
■Sadia S, Zhang J-T, Sheayi AA, Tariq A, Cao K. (2016). Tools and Techniques in Plant Ecology-A review. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, 7:35-41.
■Zhang J-T, Fan LH and Li M. (2012). Functional diversity in plant communities: Theory and analysis methods. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11: 1014-1022
■张金屯. (2018).数量生态学 (第三版). 北京: 科学出版社。
■张金屯主编. (2003). 应用生态学. 北京:科学出版社。
■张金屯. (2014). 植物生态学考察。见刘全儒等主编,北京山地植物学野外实习手册。北京:高等教育出版社。
■张金屯、吴冬丽、张斌、等. (2013). 北京地区几种重点保护植物生存群落生态学研究。北京:中国科学技术出版社。
■张金屯.(2011). 植物与环境。见周云龙主编,植物生物学(第三版),高等教育出版社。


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