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【报告】Lectures on Species Interactions
    2013-06-18  浏览次数:


Tuesday Jun 18

9:00 – 9:50
Jeremy Fox
Spatial synchrony of population dynamics: models and experiments
9:50 – 10:10
Coffee break
10:10 – 11:00
Frank van Veen
Species interaction networks: How are they formed and why does it matter?
11:00 – 11:50
Ailsa McLean
"A veritable fairyland": symbiosis between bacteria and insects
Wednesday Jun 19

9:00 – 9:50
Jeremy Fox
The Price equation and its applications to ecology
9:50 – 10:10
Coffee break
10:10 – 11:00
Frank van Veen
Indirect interactions: Why harvesting one species may drive others extinct.
11:00 – 11:50
Ailsa McLean
The source of new species: does specialisation lead to speciation?

Jeremy Fox, 2000年在拉特格斯大学获博士学位,2000-2004年在伦敦帝国学院做博士后,2004-2008年在卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)任助理教授,2009至今在卡尔加里大学任副教授。主要研究物种多样性维持的空间生态学机制、生物多样性-生态系统功能关系、进化过程对群落结构的影响等。在Nature 等刊物发表论文多篇。曾任Oikos编委。
1.Fox J.W. (2013). The intermediate disturbance hypothesis should be abandoned. Trends Ecol. Evol., 28, 86-92.
2.Fox, J.W., Vasseur, D.A., Hausch, S. & Roberts, J. (2011). Phase locking, the Moran effect and distance decay of synchrony: experimental tests in a model system. Ecol. Lett., 14, 163-168.
3.Fox, J.W., Nelson, W.A. & McCauley, E. (2010). Coexistence mechanisms and the paradox of the plankton: quantifying selection from noisy data. Ecology, 91, 1774-1786. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 (f1000.com/4267956))
4.Vasseur, D.A. & Fox, J.W. (2009). Phase-locking and environmental fluctuations generate synchrony in a predator-prey community. Nature, 460, 1007-1010. (Selected as a “Must Read” paper by Faculty of 1000 (f1000.com/1326014))
5.Vasseur, D.A. & Fox, J.W. (2007). Environmental fluctuations can stabilize food web dynamics by increasing synchrony. Ecol. Lett., 10, 1066-1074. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 (f1000.com/1091139)
Frank van Veen,1999年在伦敦帝国学院获得博士学位,1999-2009年在伦敦帝国学院先后做博士后、研究员,2009年至今在埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)任高级讲师(相当于副教授)。目前担任 Journal of Animal Ecology、Oikos、Ecological Entomology的副主编或编委。主要从事拟寄生蜂群落生态学以及昆虫群落对全球气候变化的响应与适应。
1.Sanders D., Sutter L. & van Veen F.J.F. (2013). The loss of indirect interactions leads to cascading extinctions of carnivores. Ecol. Lett., 16, 664-669.
2.Sanders, D. & van Veen, F.J.F. (2011). Ecosystem engineering and predation: the multi-trophic impact of two ant species. J. Anim. Ecol., 80, 569-576.
3.Jones, T.S., Allan, E., Harri, S.A., Krauss, J., Muller, C.B. & van Veen, F.J.F. (2011). Effects of genetic diversity of grass on insect species diversity at higher trophic levels are not due to cascading diversity effects. Oikos, 120, 1031-1036.
Ailsa McLean,2011年在牛津大学获博士学位,2011-2012在曼彻斯特大学做博士后,2012至今在牛津大学做博士后。主要研究昆虫与共生微生物的关系以及这种关系是否影响物种形成。
  1. McLean A.H.C., van Asch M., Ferrari J. & Godfray H.C.J. (2011). Effects of bacterial secondary symbionts on host plant use in pea aphids. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 278, 760-766.

  2. McLean A.H.C., Ferrari J. & Godfray H.C.J. (2009). Effects of the maternal and pre-adult host plant on adult performance and preference in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Ecological Entomology, 34, 330-338.


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